Alpha Support at Home

Saying no to the expected.

Our Expertise

Integrated campaign


Today’s senior citizens are yesterday’s bra burners, labour strikers and peace protesters. And as they age, 80% are adamantly against ending up in a nursing home. Recent market entrant Alpha Support at Home saw an opportunity to step up as this generation’s advocate, providing the alternative they seek in the defiant tone they speak.

Championing choice.

In the wake of the damning Royal Commission, Australians perceived life in care facilities as "lonely, unhappy [and] powerless". But without knowing about the alternative forms of support out there, like the kind that comes to your own home, they feared this future was largely inevitable. Our mission was to show everyone they have the right to choose — and most importantly, the right to refuse.

Marching in the streets.

Drawing from protest campaigns of the ‘60s and ‘70s, we cut through the clichés with a blunt promise our audience had been hanging out to hear: there is a way to stay out of the old folks’ home. From a feel-good riot that saw residents escape out the front door to chanting our own protest anthem on the radio, every element of 'Say no to the nursing home' empowered the agency of our audience.